"Tohei-sensei started to put 6 techniques [together], so that students can learn how to deal with several attackers. In real life, we have to do different techniques according to the situation. This way of practice was called 'free techniques' [jap. jiyu-waza]. But it is not easy to do techniques freely, so Tohei-sensei chose one way of attack to each Tsuzuki-waza to make it easy to practice. [Then] we can make many different Tsuzuki-waza if necessary."

(Yoshigasaki 2020a.)



Bernhard's Aikido Blog (2023). 



Ki-Aikido USA (2010). Taigi



Shinshintoitsu Aikidokai Official YouTube channel. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChfjPSmOotFGUlrZ-NJQqFA/about 


Yoshigasaki, Kenjiro (2020a) How Tsuzukiwaza was created? Lectures from Doshu: Aikido Techniques. Toitsu - Ki & Aikido dojohttps://toitsu.dk/lectures_from_doshu/aikido_techniques.html 

Tsuzukiwaza (続技) refers to "continuous technique". Koichi Tohei put techniques under 30 sets called Taigi (体技, lit. "body technique/art/skill").

Taigi / Tsuzukiwaza

Kenjiro Yoshigasaki had all his aikido techniques and exercises filmed and published in 5 VHS tapes entitled All of Aikido (1999-2001).

These included Koichi Tohei's Taigi as taught by Yoshigasaki.


All of Aikido

by Kenjiro Yoshigasaki,

edition 2023:




Bernhard Boll digitized the tapes in 2003. During the process Yoshigasaki made some terminological changes. More about the changes on Boll's blog posts: https://toitsu.de/blog/2023/2023-04-09_en.html, and https://toitsu.de/blog/2020/2020-09-28_en.html.

Tohei's Taigi

by Yoshigasaki (1999-2001)

Tsuzukiwaza by Yoshigasaki (2009) 

Taigi competitions (1996-)

Tohei's taigi has been practiced in Japan since 1978 and the first International Taigi Competition was held in 1996.

(Ki-Aikido USA, 2010.)  


Playlist from taigi competitions:


"In 2009, Yoshigasaki Sensei filmed the newly compiled Tsuzukiwaza. These are further developments of Tohei Sensei's Taigi. The videos were titled "All of Aikido 2" or "All of Aikido new" as a continuation of his "All of Aikido" from 1999 to 2001."

(Boll 2023.)


All of Aikido (new)

by Kenjiro Yoshigasaki:


Early versions of Taigi (1962?)

Koichi Tohei made a film demonstrating the principles of aikido. The film was presumably made in the early 1960s. It seems likely that the technique sets he performs there have formed the background for Taigi.


Authentic Aikido: Fundamental Concept Principle

by Koichi Tohei:


Tsuzukiwaza of the

Ki no Kenkyukai Musubi

(as of 2024) 

Forms naturally change over time in the hands of different aikidoka. Kenjiro Yoshigasaki sensei made changes to the 30 Tsuzukiwaza until his passing in 2021.


The most recent versions practiced in Ki no Kenkyukai Musubi affiliated dojos can be found in e.g. Joachim von Rost's website and the mobile app Aikido Club 13,


and in Michael Winter's DVD,


Ryuokatadori taigi by Kenjiro Yoshigasaki (2001).